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The good ole days...


Sometimes, I long for the good ole days. You know, the days where I didn't have a care in the world. The days where I could run and play outside until the streetlights came on, and when it was time to come in, dinner was ready for me to eat. I didn't have to plan the meal; mom took care of that. Figuring out what to make for dinner is often a struggle, let alone timing it just right, so all of the food is ready at the same time. This past weekend, we were celebrating the Fourth of July holiday, and I began to think of the good ole days. My Grandparents loved hosting picnics for the summer holidays, and it was always a big event. Cousins, Aunts and Uncles would always attend, and more often than not, many friends would also join in on the festivities. I can remember the ladies would be in the kitchen getting the food ready, and the men would be outside setting up chairs, tables, and getting the grill ready to cook the burgers. Grandma would in enlist her grandkids to help too. It seemed that she would always ask me to wipe down the picnic table and put the tablecloth onto it. Just writing this, I swear I can still smell that tablecloth! Grandma hung her clothes on the line outside, and the smell was always amazing, so fresh and clean that you wanted to put your nose right up to the fabric and inhale deeply!

I hated wiping down the picnic table! I have always been afraid of spiders, seriously, I would become paralyzed with fear upon seeing a spider! It would take me forever to wipe the picnic table, as there were always spiders under the table and seat. I would look slowing from a distance before wiping and try to swat them away with the soapy rag. Grandma would insist that the spiders were more afraid of me than I was of them. (I still don't believe that!)

I wonder if she thought that I would miraculously get over my fear by facing it head on. Sorry to say but facing my fear of spiders has never worked. I may be even more afraid of them today than when I was little.

Those ladies though, they managed the food like professionals, and then got all of us younger ones to start carrying it outside to the food tables. They organized the chaos, and we had a wonderful picnic! I am now hosting summer holiday get togethers at my house for my children and grandchildren. I am still trying to figure out how to organize the chaos, and how to balance food prep with spending time with my family. After all, family time is the best time!

As we celebrated the Fourth of July holiday, I had my moments of longing for the good ole days. Not because I wanted less responsibility, but because I wanted one more picnic with my Grandparents and the rest of the family. It seems that my grandparents were what brought us together and now that they have passed away, we do not get together anymore, and that is really sad. I miss the laughter, the hugs, watching our family growing, the smells of Grandma's kitchen (and her laundry), the food, playing baseball with my cousins in the front yard, and so much more! Oh, how the memories are flooding my mind and tears are filling my eyes as I type. The only worry I remember having was what to wear and what time were we eating lunch!

Yes, I miss the good ole days.

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